7. A Gentle Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
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At this stage of programming, you must have realized that programming possesses some idiosyncrasies:

  • Unless a randomization is explicitly build in, all computations are deterministic; i.e., the result is always the same for the same input.

  • The logic involved is binary; i.e., two truth values exist: True and False.

  • There is a clear distinction of actions and data. Actions are coded into expressions, statements and functions. Data is coded into integers, floating points and containers (strings, tuples and lists).

The first two can be dealt with in a controlled manner. Furthermore, mostly it is very much preferred to have a crisp and deterministic outcome. But, the third is not so natural. The world we live in is not made of data and independent actions acting on that data. This is merely an abstraction. The need for this abstraction stems from the very nature of the computing device mankind has manufactured, the von Neumann Machine. What you store in the memory is either some data (integer or floating point) or some instruction. The processor processes the data based on a series of instructions. Therefore, we have a clear separation of data and action in computers.

But when we look around, we don’t see such a distinction. We see objects. We see a tree, a house, a table, a computer, a notebook, a pencil, a lecturer and a student. Objects have some properties which would be quantified as data, but they also have some capabilities that would correspond to some actions. What about reuniting data and action under the natural concept of “object”? Object Oriented Programming, abbreviated as OOP, is the answer to this question.

7.1. Properties of Object-Oriented Programming

OOP is a paradigm that comes with some properties:

  • Encapsulation: Combining data and functions that manipulate that data under a concept that we name as ‘object’ so that a rule of “need-to-know” and “maximal-privacy” is satisfied.

  • Inheritance: Defining an object and then using it to create “descendant” objects so that the descendant objects inherit all functions and data of their ancestors.

  • Polymorphism: A mechanism allowing a descendant object to appear and function like its ancestor object when necessary.

7.1.1. Encapsulation

Encapsulation is the property that data and actions are glued together in a data-action structure called ‘object’ that conforms to a rule of “need-to-know” and “maximal-privacy”. In other words, an object should provide access only to data and actions that are needed by other objects and other data & actions that are not needed should be hidden and used by the object itself for its own merit.

This is important especially to keep implementation modular and manageable: An object stores some data and implements certain actions. Some of these are private and hidden from other objects whereas others are public to other objects so that they can access such public data and actions to suit their needs.

The public data and actions function as the interface of the object to the outside world. In this way, objects interact with each other’s interfaces by accessing public data and actions. This can be considered as a message passing mechanism: Object1 calls Object2’s action f, which calls Object3’s function g, which returns a message (a value) back to Object2, which, after some calculation returns another value to Object 1. As a realistic example of a university registration system, assume Student object calls register action of a Course object and it calls checkPrerequisite action of a Curriculum object. checkPrerequisite checks if course can be taken by student and returns the result. register action does additional controls and returns the success status of the registration to the Student.

In this modular approach, Object1 does not need to know how Object2 implements its actions or how it stores data. All Object1 needs to know is the public interface via which ‘messages’ are passed to compute the solution.

Assume you need to implement a simple weather forecasting system. This hypothetical system gets a set of meteorological sensor data like humidity, pressure, temperature from various levels of atmosphere and try to estimate the weather conditions for the next couple of days. The data of such a system may have a time series of sensor values. The actions of such system would be a group of functions adding sensor data as they are measured and forecasting functions for getting the future estimate of weather conditions. For example:

sensors = [{'datetime':'20201011 10:00','temperature':12.3,
            'humidity': 32.2, 'pressure':1.2,
            {'datetime':'20201011 12:00','temperature':14.2,
            'humidity': 31.2, 'pressure':1.22,

def addSensorData(sensorarr, temp, hum, press, alt):
    '''Add sensor data to sensor array with
       current time and date'''

def estimate(sensorarr, offset):
    '''return whether forecast for given
       offset days in future'''
addSensorData(sensors, 20.3, 15.4, 0.82, 10000)
print(estimate(sensors, 1))

In the implementation above, the data and actions are separated. The programmer should maintain the list containing the data and make sure actions are available and called as needed with the correct data. This approach has a couple of disadvantages:

  1. There is no way to make sure actions are called with the correct sensor data format and values (i.e. estimate('Hello world', 1,1,1,1)).

  2. addSensorData can make sure that sensor list contains correct data, however, since sensors data can be directly modified, its integrity can be violated later on (i.e. sensors[0]='Hello World').

  3. When you need to have forecast of more than one location, you need to duplicate all data and maintain them separately. Keeping track of which list contains which location requires extra special care.

  4. When you need to improve your code and change data representation like storing each sensor type on a separate sorted list by time, you need to change the action functions. However, if some code directly accesses the sensor data, it may conflict with the changes you made on data representation. For example, if the new data representation is as follows:

sensors = {'temperature': [('202010101000',23),...],
           'humidity': [('2020101000',45.3),...],
           'pressure': [('2020100243',1.02),...]}

Any access to sensors[0] as a dictionary directly by code segments will be incorrect.

With encapsulation, sensor data and actions are put into the same body of definition so that the only way to interact with the data would be through the actions. In this way:

  1. Data and actions maintained together. Encapsulation mechanism guarantees that data exists and it has correct format and values.

  2. Multiple instances can be created for forecasting for multiple locations, and each location is maintained in its object as if it was a simple variable.

  3. Since no code part accesses the data directly but calls the actions, changing internal representation and implementation of functions will not cause any problem.

The following is an example OOP implementation for the problem at hand:

class WhetherForecast:
  # Data
  __sensors = None

  # Actions acting on the data
  def __init__(self):
    self.__sensors = []   # this will create initial sensor data

  def addSensorData(self, temp, hum, press, alt):

  def estimate(self, offset):
    return {'lowest':elow, 'highest':ehigh,...}

ankara = WhetherForecast() # Create an instance for location Ankara

izmir = WhetherForecast()  # Create an instance for location Izmir

print(ankara.estimate(1))  # Work with the data for Ankara
print(izmir.estimate(2))   # Work with the data for Izmir

The above syntax will be more clear in the following sections; however, please note how the newly created objects ankara and izmir behave. They contain their sensor data internally, and the programmer does not need to care about their internals. The resulting object will syntactically behave like a built-in data type of Python.

7.1.2. Inheritance

In many applications, the objects we are going to work with are going to be related. For example, in a drawing program, we are going to work with shapes such as rectangles, circles, triangles which have some common data and actions, e.g.:

  • Data:

    • Position

    • Area

    • Color

    • Circumference

  • and actions:

    • draw()

    • move()

    • rotate()

What kind of data structure we use for these data and how we implement the actions are important. For example, if one shape is using Cartesian coordinates (\(x,y\)) for position and another is using Polar coordinates (\(r,\theta\)), a programmer can easily make a mistake by providing (\(x,y\)) to a shape using Polar coordinates.

As for actions, implementing such overlapping actions in each shape from scratch is redundant and inefficient. In the case of separate implementations of overlapping actions in each shape, we would have to update all overlapping actions if we want to correct an error in our implementation or switch to a more efficient algorithm for the overlapping actions. Therefore, it makes sense to implement the common functionalities in another object and reuse them whenever needed.

These two issues are handled in OOP via inheritance. We place common data and functionalities into an ancestor object (e.g. Shape object for our example) and other objects (Rectangle, Triangle, Circle) can inherit (reuse) these data and definitions in their definitions as if those data and actions were defined in their object definitions.

In real life entities, you can observe many similar relations. For example:

  • A Student is a Person and an Instructor is a Person. Updating personal records of a Student is no different than that of an Instructor.

  • An DCEngine, a DieselEngine, and a StreamEngine are all Engines. They have the same characteristic features like horse power, torque etc. However, DCEngine has power consumption in units of Watt whereas DieselEngine consumption can be measured as litres per km.

  • In a transportation problem, a Ship, a Cargo_Plane and a Truck are all Vehicles. They have the same behaviour of carrying a load; however, they have different capacities, speeds, costs and ranges.

Assume we like to improve the forecasting accuracy through adding radar information in our WhetherForecast example above. We need to get our traditional estimate and combine it with the radar image data. Instead of duplicating the traditional estimator, it is wiser to use existing implementation and extend its functionality with the newly introduced features. This way, we avoid code duplication and when we improve our traditional estimator, our new estimator will automatically use it.

Inheritance is a very useful and important concept in OOP. Together with encapsulation, it improves reusability, maintenance, and reduces redundancy.

7.1.3. Polymorphism

Polymorphism is a property that enables a programmer to write functions that can operate on different data types uniformly. For example, calculating the sum of elements of a list is actually the same for a list of integers, a list of floats and a list of complex numbers. As long as the addition operation is defined among the members of the list, the summation operation would be the same. If we can implement a polymorphic sum function, it will be able to calculate the summation of distinct datatypes, hence it will be polymorphic.

In OOP, all descendants of a parent object can act as objects of more than one types. Consider our example on shapes above: The Rectangle object that inherits from the Shape object can also be used as a Shape object since it bears data and actions defined in a Shape object. In other words, a Rectangle object can be assumed to have two data types: Rectangle and Shape. We can exploit this for writing polymorphic functions. If we write functions or classes that operate on Shape with well-defined actions, they can operate on all descendants of it including, Rectangle, Circle, and all objects inheriting Shape. Similarly, actions of a parent object can operate on all its descendants if it uses a well-defined interface.

Polymorphism improves modularity, code reusability and expandability of a program.

7.2. Basic OOP in Python

The way Python implements OOP is not to the full extent in terms of the properties listed in the previous section. Encapsulation, for example, is not implemented strongly. But inheritance and polymorphism are there. Also, operator overloading, a feature that is much demanded in OOP, is present.

In the last decade, Python started to become a standard for Science and Engineering computation. For various computational purposes, software packages were already there. Packages to do numerical computations, statistical computations, symbolic computations, computational chemistry, computational physics, all sorts of simulations were developed over four decades. Now many such packages, free or proprietary, are wrapped to be called through Python. This packaging is done mostly in an OOP manner. Therefore, it is vital to know some basics of OOP in Python.

7.2.1. The Class Syntax

In Python, an object is a code structure that is like in Fig. 7.2.1:


Fig. 7.2.1 An object includes both data and actions (methods and special methods) as one data item.

First, a piece of jargon:

  • Class: A prescription that defines a particular object. The blueprint of an object.

  • Class Instance \(\equiv\) Object: A computational structure that has functions and data fields built according the blueprint, namely the class. Similar to the construction of buildings according to an architectural blueprint, in Python we can create objects (more than one) conforming to a class definition. Each of these objects will have their own data space and in some cases customized functions. Objects are equivalently called Class instances. Each object provides the following:

    • Methods: Functions that belong to the object.

    • Sending a message to an object: Calling a method of the object.

    • Member: Any data or method that is defined in the class.

So, as you would guess, we start with a structural plan, using the jargon, the ‘class definition’. In Python this is done by the keyword class:

class \(\boxed{\color{red}{ClassName\strut\ }}\) :

\(\hspace{2cm} \boxed{\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \hspace{0.3cm} \color{red}{\ Statement\ block}\hspace{0.3cm} \\ \ \\ \strut}\)

Here is an example:

class shape:
   color = None
   x = None
   y = None

   def set_color(self, red, green, blue):
      self.color = (red, green, blue)

   def move_to(self, x, y):
      self.x = x
      self.y = y

This blueprint tells Python that:

  1. The name of this class is shape.

  2. Any object that will be created according to this blueprint has three data fields, named color, x and y. At the moment of creation, these fields are set to None (a special value of Python indicating that there is a variable here but no value is assigned yet).

  3. Two member functions, the so-called methods, are defined: set_color and move_to. The first takes four arguments, constructs a tuple of the last three values and stores it into the color data field of the object. The second, move_to, takes three arguments and assign the last two of them to the x and y data_fields, respectively.

The peculiar keyword self in the blueprint refers to the particular instance (when an object is created based on this blueprint). The first argument to all methods (the member functions) have to be coded as self. That is a rule. The Python system will fill it out when that function is activated.

To refer to any function or any data field of an object, we use the (.) dot notation. Inside the class definition, it is self.∎. Outside of the object, the object is certainly stored somewhere (a variable or a container). The way (syntax) to access the stored object is followed. Then, this syntax is appended by the (.) dot which is then followed by the data field name or the method name.

For our example shape class, let us create two objects and assign them to two global variables p and s, respectively:

p = shape()
s = shape()
p.move_to(22, 55)
p.set_color(255, 0, 0)
s.move_to(49, 71)
s.set_color(0, 127, 0)

The object creation is triggered by calling the class name as if it is a function (i.e. shape()). This creates an instance of the class. Each instance has its private data space. In the example, two shape objects are created and stored in the variables p and s. As said, the object stored in p has its private data space and so does s. We can verify this by:

print(p.x, p.y)
print(s.x, s.y)

When a class is defined, there are a bunch of methods, which are automatically created, and they serve the integration of the object with the Python language. For example, what if we issue a print statement on the object? What will



These default methods can be overwritten (redefined). Let us do it for two of them: __str__ is the method that is automatically activated when a print function has an object to be printed. The built-in print function sends to the object an __str__ message (that was the OOP jargon, i.e. calls the __str__ member function (method)). All objects, when created, have a some special methods predefined. Many of them are out of the scope of this course, but __str__ and __init__ are among these special methods.

It is possible that the programmer, in the class definition, overwrites (redefines) these predefinitions. __str__ is set to a default definition so that when an object is printed such an internal location information is printed:

<__main__.shape object at 0x7f295325a6a0>

Not very informative, is it? We will overwrite this function to output the color and coordinate information, which will look like:

shape object: color=(0,127,0) coordinates=(47,71)

The second special method that we will overwrite is the __init__ method. __init__ is the method that is automatically activated when the object is first created. As default, it will do nothing, but can also be overwritten. Observe the following statement in the code above:

s = shape()

The object creation is triggered by calling the class name as if it is a function. Python (and many other OOP languages) adopt this syntax for object creation. What is done is that the arguments passed to the class name is sent ‘internally’ to the special member function __init__. We will overwrite it to take two arguments at object creation, and these arguments will become the initial values for the x and y coordinates.

Now, let us switch to the real interpreter and give it a go:

class shape:
  color = None
  x = None
  y = None

  def set_color(self, red, green, blue):
    self.color = (red, green, blue)

  def move_to(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y

  def __str__(self):
    return "shape object: color=%s coordinates=%s" % (self.color, (self.x,self.y))

  def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y

  def __lt__(self, other):
    return self.x + self.y < other.x + other.y

p = shape(22,55)
s = shape(12,124)


print(p < s)  # just the same as above but now infix

shape object: color=(0, 127, 0) coordinates=(12, 124)
shape object: color=(0, 127, 0) coordinates=(49, 71)
['x', 'y', 'color', '__module__', 'set_color', 'move_to', '__str__', '__init__', '__lt__', '__dict__', '__weakref__', '__doc__', '__repr__', '__hash__', '__getattribute__', '__setattr__', '__delattr__', '__le__', '__eq__', '__ne__', '__gt__', '__ge__', '__new__', '__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__', '__subclasshook__', '__init_subclass__', '__format__', '__sizeof__', '__dir__', '__class__']

7.2.2. Special Methods/Operator Overloading

There are many more special methods than the ones we described above. For a complete reference, we refer you to “Section 3.3 of the Python Language Reference”.

Last, but not least, a special method to mention is the magnitude comparison for an object. In other words, if you have an object, how will it behave under comparison? For example, the following rich comparisons are possible:

  • x<y calls x.__lt__(y),

  • x<=y calls x.__le__(y),

  • x==y calls x.__eq__(y),

  • x!=y calls x.__ne__(y),

  • x>y calls x.__gt__(y), and

  • x>=y calls x.__ge__(y).

Having learned this, please copy-and-paste the following definition to the class definition of shape above in to the code box. Now, you have the (<) comparison operator available.

def __lt__(self, other):
    return self.x + self.y < other.x + other.y

As you can see, the comparison result is based on the Manhattan distance from the origin. You can give it a test right away and compare the two objects s and p as follows:


How would you modify the comparison method so that it compares the Euclidean distances from the origin?

As we have created our first object in Python, we strongly advise that the ‘encapsulation’ property of OOP is followed by the programmer, i.e. you. This property is that the data of an object is private to the object and not open to modification (or not even to inspection if ‘encapsulation’ is taken extremely strictly) by a piece of code external to the object. Only member functions, the so-called methods, of that object can do this. Therefore, if you want to update the color value, for example, of an shape object, though you can do it ‘brutally’ by e.g.:

p.color = (127,64,5)

However, you should not to do so. In contrary to some other OOP programming languages, Python does not forbid this by a brutal force. Therefore, it is not a you cannot but a you should not type of action. All data access should be done through messages (functions).

7.2.3. Example 1: Counter

Now, let us implement a very simple object called Counter. Counter has two important restrictions: it starts with zero and it can only be incremented. If you use a simple integer variable instead of Counter, its value can be initialized to any value and it can directly be assigned to an arbitrary value. Implementing a Python class for a Counter will let you enforce those restrictions since you define the initialization and the actions.

class Counter:
  def __init__(self):
    self.value = 0    # this is the initialization

  def increment(self):
    '''increment the inner counter'''
    self.value += 1

  def get(self):
    '''return the counter as value'''
    return self.value

  def __str__(self):
    '''define how your counter is displayed'''
    return 'Counter:{}'.format(self.value)

stcnt = Counter()    # create the counter
print("# of students", stcnt)

sheep = Counter()
while sheep.get() < 1000:

print("# of sheep",sheep)
# of students Counter:2
# of sheep Counter:1000

7.2.4. Example 2: Rational Number

As our next example, let us try to define a new data type, Rational Number, as a Python class. Representing a rational number simply as a tuple of integers as (numerator, denominator) is possible. However, this representation has a couple of issues. First, the denominator can be 0, which leads to an invalid value. Second, many distinct tuples represent practically the same value and they need to be interpreted in a special way in operators like comparison. We need to either normalize all into their simplest form or implement comparison operators to respect the values they represent. In the following implementation, we choose the first approach: We find greatest common divisor of numerator and denominator and normalize them.

import math

class Rational:
  def __init__(self, n, d):
    '''initialize from numerator and denominator values'''
    if d == 0:
      raise ZeroDivisionError   # raise an error. Explained in following chapters
    self.num = n
    self.den = d

  def simplify(self):
    if self.num == 0:
      self.den = 1
    gcd = math.gcd(self.num,self.den)
    if self.den < 0:             # flip their signs if denominator is negative
      self.den *= -1
      self.num *= -1
    self.num = self.num // gcd
    self.den = self.den // gcd   # normalize them by dividing by greatest common divisor

  def __str__(self):
    return '{}/{}'.format(self.num, self.den)

  def __mul__(self, rhs):        # this special method is called when * operator is used
     ''' (a/b)*(c/d) -> a*c/b*d in a new object '''
     retval = Rational(self.num * rhs.num, self.den * rhs.den) # create a new object
     return retval

  def __add__(self, rhs):        # this special method is called when * operator is used
     ''' (a/b)+(c/d) -> a*d+b*c/d*b in a new object '''
     retval = Rational(self.num * rhs.den + rhs.num * self.den,
                       self.den * rhs.den) # create a new object with sum
     return retval

  # -, /, and other operators left as exercise

  def __eq__(self, rhs):        # called when == operator is used
    '''a*d == b*c '''
    return self.num*rhs.den == self.den*rhs.num

  def __lt__(self, rhs):        # called when < operator is used
    '''a*d < b*c '''
    return self.num*rhs.den < self.den*rhs.num

  # rest can be defined in terms of the first two
  def __ne__(self, rhs):  return not self == rhs

  def __le__(self, rhs):  return self < rhs or self == rhs

  def __gt__(self, rhs):  return not self <= rhs

  def __ge__(self, rhs):  return not self < rhs
# Let us play with our Rational class

a = Rational(3, 9)
b = Rational(16, 24)
print(a, b, a*b+b*a)
print(a<b, a+b == Rational(1, 1))
1/3 2/3 4/9
True True

This class definition only implements *, +, and comparison operators. The remaining operators are left as an exercise. Our new class Rational behaves like a built-in data type in Python, thanks to the special methods implemented. User-defined data types implementing integrity restrictions through encapsulation are called Abstract Data Types.

7.2.5. Inheritance with Python

Now let’s have a look on the second property on OOP, namely ‘inheritance’, in Python. We will do that by extending our shape example.

A shape is relatively a general term. We have many types of shapes: Triangles, circles, ovals, rectangles, even polygons. If we incorporated them into a software, for example, a simple drawing and painting application for children, each of them would have a position on the screen and a color. This would be common to all shapes. But then, a circle would be identified (additionally) by a radius; a triangle by two additional corner coordinates etc.

Therefore, a triangle object should inherit all the properties and member functions of a shape object plus some other.

Starting to define a triangle object, for example, with all properties and member functions copied from shape is done by a first line:

class triangle(shape):

following the general syntax below:

class \(\boxed{\color{red}{ClassName\strut\ }}\) ( \(\color{red}{BaseClass_1}\), \({\color{red}{BaseClass_2}}\), .., ):

\(\hspace{2cm} \boxed{\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \hspace{0.3cm} \color{red}{\ Statement\ block}\hspace{0.3cm} \\ \ \\ \strut}\)

Though multiple inheritance (inheriting form more than one class) is possible, it is seldom used and is not preferred. It has elaborated rules for resolving member function name clashes, which is beyond the scope of an introductory book. We will continue with an example that does inheritance from a single base class.

7.2.6. Interactive Example: A Simple Shape Drawing Program

Below, you see a simple object-oriented Python code that draws a red circle and a green rectangle, and then moves the green rectangle towards the circe. When you hover your mouse over the code below, a popup window will explain that line of code.

Following this interactive code display, you can find a code box, the one with a small triangle on the left, which is the same code. So, you can run it, and observe the code code live, running. In the exercise part, you will be asked to modify the code.

The dark brownish sections in the code contain calls to a drawing library (named calysto) which is also object oriented but has nothing to do with you. Not to distract the reader intentionally, we have darkened it out.

Our object-oriented programming (OOP) intention in this example is to define a general class that we will name shape. shape contains all the properties and functions that a drawable geometric object (circle, rectangle, triangle, …) possesses. All of them are drawn on an imaginary canvas at a certain coordinate with some color. So, all shapes have a coordinate at which they are drawn and a color. The first lines of the class shape definition starts with these variables.

[You can get additional information by hovering your mouse over any piece of code.]

In this example, we implement just two geometric shapes, the circle and the rectangle. This piece of code with the green background is the definition of the circle class. It is derived from the base class shape. So, it inherits all the definitions of shape (but these definitions can be overwritten, in other words, can be redefined). As you observe, it defines a radius variable (in addition to the color, x, y variables that were inherited form the base class). Also, it defines, for the first time, a draw member function which has the duty to draw a circle on the canvas, based on the parameters x, y, radius and color using some functions of the library calysto. The details of this drawing implementation is not the reader’s concern (therefore it is darkened out).

[You can get additional information by hovering your mouse over any piece of code.]

The second geometric shape, which is implemented, is the rectangle. The orange backgrounded code defines this class. Again, it is a descendent of the base class shape. Hence, it inherits all the definitions of shape (just as circle did). This time, it does not add a radius but a width and a height variables to the class. In addition to the redefinition of the initializer __init__, which is activated the moment an instance is created, this class has its own definition of the draw member function.

[You can get additional information by hovering your mouse over any piece of code.]

Now, for an instance, return to the class shape definition (the yellow box). There, you will see a displace member function being defined. It is a function that displaces a geometric shape by an amount of \((\Delta x,\Delta y)\). Please inspect the function now. You will discover that the function:

  • memorizes the color of the shape,

  • changes the color to white,

  • calls the draw member function and draws a white shape exactly on top of the old one,

  • restores the drawing color (from white to the memorized color),

  • changes the x, y values by amounts delta_x and delta_y, respectively,

  • calls the draw member function and draws at the new x,y coordinates the shape with the original color.

Now we have an interesting phenomenon. draw is even not defined in shape. It will be defined differently for each class that is derived from the shape base class. How can a function of shape make a reference to a function which does not exist for shape and will only be defined in classes that are descendants of this base class? Also note that the each of the descendant classes (circle and rectangle) are going to define it (the draw function) their own way. This is called forward-referencing and polymorphism, a nice and powerful feature of OOP.

Note that the class definitions (class shape, class circle, class rectangle) are merely blueprints. They do not create any data. They define how they will be created and which functions will act how. The actual creation (based on these blueprints) are done in the code in the last (turquoise colored) box.

In summary, the code below performs the following:

  • An instance of the circle class is created (by calling its initializer) at coordinates (100,100) with a radius of 50. This instance is stored into the variable mycircle.

  • The color of this freshly created object is changed to the brightest red.

  • The object’s draw function is called (in OOP jargon: a draw message is sent to the object stored in mycircle)

  • Similarly, an instance of rectangle class is created at coordinates (200,100) and with width=50, height=80. This instance is stored into the variable myrectangle.

  • The color of the rectangle is changed to the brightest green.

  • The rectangles draw function is called.

  • The program pauses (waits) for 1 second.

  • Finally, it calls the displace function of the rectangle. Though it was defined in the base class, displace locates the correct draw (the draw of the rectangle) and performs the job.

\(\textbf{Please use the Colab link at the top to see the interactive demo.}\)

7.2.7. Useful Short Notes on Python’s OOP

These notes are provided for completeness and a possible need in your further studies. These are out of the introductory scope of the book.

  • It is possible that the derived class overrides the base class’s member function. But, still want to access the (former) definition in the base class. One can access that definition by prefixing the function call by super(). (no space after the dot).

  • There is no proper destructor in Python. This is because the Python engine does all the memory allocation and book-keeping. Though entirely under the control of Python, sometimes the so-called Garbage Collection is carried out. At that moment, all unused object instances are wiped out of the memory. Before that, a special member function __del__ is called. If you want to do a special treatment of an object before it is wiped forever, you can define the __del__ function. The concept of garbage collection is complex and it is wrong to assume that __del__ will right away be called even if an object instance is deleted by the del statement (del will mark the object as unused but it will not necessarily trigger a garbage collection phase).

  • Infix operators have special, associated member functions (those that start and end with double underscores). If you want your objects to participate in infix expressions, then you have to define those. For example ‘+’ has the associated special member function __add__. For a complete list and how-to-do’s, search for “special functions of Python” and “operator overloading”.

  • You can restrict the accessibility of variables defined in a class. There are three types of accessibility modifications you can perform: public, private, and protected. The default is public.

    • Public access variables can be accessed anywhere inside or outside the class.

    • Private variables can only be accessed inside the class definitions. A variable which starts with two underscores is recognized by programmers as private.

    • Protected variables can be accessed within the same package (file). A variable which starts with a single underscore is recognized by programmers as protected.

7.3. Widely-used Member Functions of Containers

Being acquainted with the OOP concepts, it is time to reveal the ‘object’ properties of some Python components. In Python, every data is an object. However, here we will look at the OOP components of containers.


Assume S is a string. In the table below, you will find some of the very frequently used member functions of strings (in the Operation column, anything in square brackets denotes that the content is optional – if you enter the optional content, do no type in the square brackets):




Returns a copy of S with its first character capitalized, and the rest of the characters lowercased.

\(\texttt{S .count(sub [, start [, end]])}\)

Returns the number of occurrences of substring sub in string S.

\(\texttt{ S.find(sub [, start [, end]])}\)

Returns the lowest index in S where substring sub is found. Returns -1 if sub is not found.


Returns True if all characters in S are alphanumeric, False otherwise.


Returns True if all characters in S are alphabetic, False otherwise.


Returns True if all characters in S are digit characters, False otherwise.


Returns True if all characters in S are lowercase, False otherwise.


Returns True if all characters in S are whitespace characters, False otherwise.


Returns True if all characters in S are uppercase, False otherwise.


Returns a concatenation of the strings in the sequence seq, separated by string separator, e.g.: "#".join(["a","bb","ccc"]) returns "a#bb#ccc".

S.ljust/rju st/center(width [, fillChar])

Returns S, left/right justified/centered in a string of length width, surrounded by the appropriate number of fillChar characters.


Returns a copy of S converted to lowercase.


Returns a copy of S with leading chars (default: blank chars) removed.


Searches for the separator separ in S, and returns a tuple (head, sep, tail) containing the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it.

\(\texttt{S.replac e(old, new [, maxCount = -1])}\)

Returns a copy of S with the first maxCount (-1: unlimited) occurrences of substring old replaced by new.

\(\texttt{S.sp lit([separator [, maxsplit]])}\)

Returns a list of the words in S, using separator as the delimiter string.


Returns a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.

\(\texttt{S.startsw ith(prefix [, start [, end]])}\)

Returns True if S starts with the specified prefix, otherwise returns False. Negative numbers may be used for start and end. Prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.


Returns a copy of S with leading and trailing chars (default: blank chars) removed.


Returns a copy of S with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa.


Returns a copy of S converted to uppercase.


Assume L is a list. In the table below, you will find some of the very frequently used member functions of lists (in the Operation column, anything in square brackets denotes that the content is optional – if you enter the optional content, do no type in the square brackets):




same as L[len(L) : len(L)] = [x].


same as L[len(L) : len(L)] = x.


returns number of i’s for which L[i] == x.

\(\texttt {L.index(x [, start [, stop ]])}\)

returns smallest i such that L[i] == x. start and stop limit search to only part of the list.

L.insert(i, x)

same as L[i:i] = [x] if i 0. if i -1, inserts before the last element.


same as del L[L.index(x)]


same as x = L[i]; del L[i]; return  x


reverses the items of L in place

L.sort([cmp]) OR L.sort([ cmp=cmpFct ] [, key =keyGetter ] [, reverse=bool ])

sorts the items of L in place


Assume D is a dictionary. In the table below, you will find some of the very frequently used member functions of dictionaries (in the Operation column anything in square brackets denotes that the content is optional – if you enter the optional content, do no type in the square brackets):



D.from keys(iterable, value=None)

Class method to create a dictionary with keys provided by iterator, and all values set to value


Removes all items from D


A shallow copy of D

D.has_key(k) OR k in D

True if D has key k, else False


A copy of D’s list of (key, item) pairs


A copy of D’s list of keys


for k, v in D2.items(): D2[k] = v


A copy of D’s list of values

D.get(k, defaultval)

The item of D with key k

D.se tdefault(k [, defaultval])

D[k] if k in D, else defaultval (also setting it)


Returns an iterator over (key, value) pairs


Returns an iterator over the mapping’s keys


Returns an iterator over the mapping’s values.

D.pop(k [, default ])

Removes key k and returns the corresponding value. If key is not found, default is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.


Removes and returns an arbitrary (key, value) pair from D


Assume T, T1, T2 are sets (unless otherwise stated). In the table below you will find some of the very frequently used member functions of sets (in the Operation column anything in square brackets denotes that the content is optional – if you enter the optional content, do no type in the square brackets):




True if every element in T1 is in iterable T2


True if every element in T2 is in iterable T1


Adds element elt to set T (if it doesn’t already exist)


Removes element elt from set T. KeyError if element not found


Removes element elt from set T if present


Removes and returns an arbitrary element from set T; raises KeyError if empty


Removes all elements from this set

T1 .intersection(T2 [, T3 ...])

Synonym to (T1 & T2). Returns a new Set with elements common to all sets (in the method T2, T3,… can be any iterable)

T1.union(T2 [, T3 ...])

Synonym to (T1 | T2). Returns a new Set with elements from either set (in the method T2, T3, ... can be any iterable)

\(\texttt{ T1.difference(T2 [, T3 ...])}\)

Synonym to (T1 - T2). Returns a new Set with elements in T1 but not in any of T2, T3, .. (in the method T2, T3, ... can be any iterable)

\(\texttt {T1.symmetric_difference(T2)}\)

Synonym to (T1 ^ T2). Returns a new Set with elements from either of two sets but not in their intersection


Returns a shallow copy of set T

7.4. Important Concepts

We would like our readers to have grasped the following crucial concepts and keywords from this chapter:

  • Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

  • Benefits of the Object-Oriented Paradigm.

  • Concepts such as class, instance, object, member, method, message passing.

  • Concepts such as base class, ancestor, descendant.

7.6. Exercises

Go to the interactive example and modify it as follows:

  1. Add a triange class. It should take, at creation time, (x,y,dx2,dy2,dx3,dy3) as parameter, where x,y are the coordinates of one of the corners of the triangle on the canvas, and dx2,dy2 are the increments relative to x1,y1 to reach the second corner of the triangle (so, the absolute coordinate on the canvas of the second corner becomes (x+dx2,y+dy2)), dx3,dy3 have a similar meaning to reach the third corner. You are expected to define all member functions present in circle or rectangle, this time for triangle. For the draw member function, you can investigate the content of the draw of the rectangle class.

  2. Implement a move_on_line(x_fin, y_fin, count_of_steps) that will work for all geometric shapes and displace a geometric shape starting from its current position on the canvas and ending at (x_fin,y_fin) coordinate in count_of_steps many displacements.

  3. Create a class car, which is a child-drawing style car, that consists of a rectangle and two circles below it. It should implement all member functions of circle or rectangle. Make use of the existing rectangle and circle classes.